10/11/2022 | Scientific Advisory Board meeting LBI ArchPro [Vienna, Austria]
project INDIGO
Geert Verhoeven
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8112446
14/06/2023 | goINDIGO 2023: disseminate | analyse | understand graffiti-scapes [Vienna, Austria]
Catching the Urban Chameleon
Jona Schlegel [P], Martin Wieser, Geert Verhoeven
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8112788
15/06/2023 | goINDIGO 2023: disseminate | analyse | understand graffiti-scapes [Vienna, Austria]
Towards an automated detection of changes in the urban chameleon skin
Benjamin Wild [P], Geert Verhoeven, Norbert Pfeifer
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8113135
15/06/2023 | goINDIGO 2023: disseminate | analyse | understand graffiti-scapes [Vienna, Austria]
GRAPHIS—A free tool to save, annotate and visualise regions in graffiti photos
Martin Wieser, Geert Verhoeven [P], Jona Schlegel
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8106293
16/06/2023 | goINDIGO 2023: disseminate | analyse | understand graffiti-scapes [Vienna, Austria]
One polygon at a time – trying to manage a graffiti-scape's spatio-temporality
Geert Verhoeven [P] & Jona Schlegel
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8105895
27/06/2023 | CIPA 2023: Documenting, Understanding, Preserving Cultural Heritage: Humanities and Digital Technologies for Shaping the Future [Florence, Italy]
Tracking the urban chameleon – towards a hybrid change detection of graffiti
Benjamin Wild [P], Geert Verhoeven, Norbert Pfeifer
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8124248
07/07/2023 | Urban Creativity Conference 2023: Numbers [Lisbon, Portugal]
Project INDIGO – An overview in numbers
Geert Verhoeven
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8124879
08/12/2023 | Leaving a Mark: Onsite – On Surface – Online [Karlsruhe, Germany]
INDIGO and the Graffito: Navigating Definitions and Digital Representations
Jona Schlegel [P], Massimiliano Carloni, Geert Verhoeven
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10361156
15/12/2023 | Institute day at the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna [Vienna, Austria]
INDIGO – graffiti archaeology along the Donaukanal
Geert Verhoeven
21/02/2024 | 3D-ARCH 2024 – 10th International Workshop. 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures [Siena, Italy]
Parasitic pixels – How cameras (and their settings) can jeopardise image-based 3D modelling
Geert Verhoeven
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10705139
19/03/2024 | School of Archaeological and Forensic Sciences guest lectures [Bradford, United Kingdom]
Project INDIGO—Tackling an Urban Chameleon via Digital Graffiti Archaeology
Geert Verhoeven
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10843541
04/04/2024 | Research lunch at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
[Vienna, Austria]
Project INDIGO: Digital Graffiti-scape Archaeology
Geert Verhoeven
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10932126
12/12/2024 | Low-cost 3D - 8th International ISPRS Workshop [Brescia, Italy]
Exterior Orientation in a Box: Cost-Effective RTK/IMU-Based Photo Geotagging
Martin Wieser [P], Geert Verhoeven, Benjamin Wild, Norbert Pfeifer
13/12/2024 | Institute day at the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna [Vienna, Austria]
Das Bronzegefäß von Müllendorf. Ausgrabung - Restaurierung - Digitalisierung
Alois Stuppner [P], Soňa Holičková, Geert Verhoeven
22/01/2025 | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Vermessung und Geoinformation - Vorträge [Vienna, Austria]
Geoinformation techniques to monitor the Urban Chameleon
Geert Verhoeven [P], Benjamin Wild [P]
19/02/2025 | 3D-4CH kick-off meeting [Trento, Italy]
Mind the gap
Geert Verhoeven
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14894580